Coincidence is a funny thing.
So last night, before going to bed, for reasons unknown to me, I remebered something, and thought if I had a time machine, I'd be tempted to go back to just a year ago, when the contents of an unpaid storage unit belonging to the late Dave Arneson were auctioned off, and as far as I knew disappeared into the void.
Over the past few days - prompted, I think by an interesting post he wrote on the symbols on the door of the temple of elemental evil - I've been thinking of contacting Paul Stormberg to see if he would interview for the blog. This morning I started to draft an email to Mr. Stormberg. When I went online, however I discovered an announcement from Mr. Stormberg himself.
Coincidence is indeed a funny thing, for the announcement concerned the very contents of that storage unit. He's got it. The whole thing. And he's carefully documenting, preserving and copying the contents. Once that's completed, the original materials will be auctioned off with a portion of the proceeds going to the Arneson family.
That's just a million kinds of awesome. What's more, Mr. Stormberg is creating a new section on his website dedicated to preserving the history of our hobby. Check it out here
Alignment in O.G.R.E.S. Addendum
1 week ago
That really is cool news, and a very good and respectable deed by Mr. Stormberg.
Has there been any update on this?
Yes. As I understand it, the material is in storage under the more than capable care of Paul Stormberg.
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