
Author: DHBoggs /

I've got a busy gaming schedule coming up.  I'm playing in Virtual Greyhawk con and running 2 games (Lakofka's Devils Dung and Lost Dungeons of Tonisborg) at SWA's Council 42 and thinking of also going to PAGE in January, but the highlight is ARNECON in October.

If you can make it, it will be a great chance for you to meet some of the games earliest players - oh and me if you wanted.  Here is the website with the basics:


If you happen to be in the Schenectady NY area and want to play in one of my games, check out the Schnectady Wargamers Council 42 just a few weeks from now:



Tarynt said...

I was going to try to make the drive up to Schenectady, but I had pretty bad cold over the weekend. I have signed up for Arnecon, so I'll catch you there!

(Is there anyplace people are coordinating to share taxis from the airport? It looks like it is about a $50 ride).

SSAPCO said...

Hey Dan. I am trying to remember the source for a comment about Arneson starting players at Hero Type and allowing progression to Superhero Type.

Griff said you may know. Any idea?

DHBoggs said...

That comment doesn't ring a bell. Arneson did let people roll 1d3 to determine level at the 1976 Gencon. Not sure if you may be thinking of that?

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Game Archaeologist/Anthropologist, Scholar, Historic Preservation Analyst, and a rural American father of three.
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